Cans are containers having a hermetically sealed lid that is typically non-resealable; they can be made of various metal materials such as aluminium or tinned sheet metal. The latter, also referred to as “tin”, was the first material used.History wise, it is necessary to reel back to the end of the 18th century to find evidence of tin used as a box to store food better and longer, mainly for military requirements. Peter Durand was the first to register a patent in 1810 and this was followed over the decades by the founding of the first canning industries and the first factories for the production of tin plate sheet metal. From the mid-19th century, cans started to be used for other non-food purposes. Yet it was only from the mid 20th century onwards that the first aluminium cans arrived on the market, which was a game changer in terms of the way we shopped, cooked and ate.